Caltagirone about an hour from the Wall is the urban center located between eastern and central Sicily, overlooking the two largest plains of the island: those of Catania and Gela. It was historically part of the Vallo di Noto and is the leader of the district of Calatino (former District of Caltagirone). Historically it has been named with the names Urbs Gratissima (in Latin a welcome city, well-liked) and Queen of the Erei Mountains.Known for the peculiar and traditional production of ceramics, today it is an important agricultural and tourist center, as well as one of the largest urban centers of the Sicilian hinterland. The historic center full of churches, palaces and eighteenth-century villas characterized by late-Baroque style, was awarded the title of World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.Today Caltagirone is experiencing a period of renewed development, thanks mainly to two great resources: the traditional production of ceramics and tourism.


-fonte wikipedia