Noto is located about 60 minutes from the Wall. Defined as the “Capital of Baroque”, in 2002 its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site.The streets of the city are interspersed with scenic squares and imposing staircases that connect terraces and gradients. The unitary reconstruction produced a coherent urban fabric rich in architectural episodes.The soft local stone was used, colored between golden and pink, richly carved. The reconstruction took place jointly under the guidance of the Duke of Camastra, who represented the Spanish Viceroy in Noto.The Baroque of Noto pervades the entire city: the baroque elements are not isolated within an urban context characterized by different styles, but are connected to each other in order to create what has been called the “perfect baroque city”. In this regard, Ugo Ojetti argued: “Known at the beginning of the eighteenth century is one of our cities arose at once, pel fact seems of a single will, precise image of the taste of an era.To visit it, palaces, churches, convents, theater seems a unique monument, all built in the same yellow tuff, in the same baroque, as Fichera says well, flamboyant, with a grandeur without pauses and a royalty without avarice».The commitment of the architects netini for the creation of great scenographies, in a Baroque perspective fully aware and not provincial, was also noticed by a master of the image like Michelangelo Antonioni, who in a scene of L’Avventura, shot in Noto, makes the protagonist, played by Gabriele Ferzetti, say intent on admiring the city from the terrace of the bell tower of the church of San Carlo al Corso: “But look at that fantasy, what movement.They cared about scenic effects. What an extraordinary freedom!”


-fonte wikipedia